Writing up a storm

23/07/2013 09:01

I have four pieces of writing 'live' at the moment, and an edit of a novella written by my friend Peter John.

The four pieces are, in no particualr order, a biography of my father, a biogrpahy of my mother, a short piece about the events and people who I encounter on my 57-mile commute to work each day, and a full piece of fiction about a young man who inherits an island. It is the story that I wrote for the 2012 NanoWrimo contest, now increased from 50 000 words to over 100 000. I am satisfied with most of what I've written, but there are some parts that are just not right, so  it's back to laptop to sort it out.

The biographies are pieces of nostalgia that I am loving writing, but they lead me off on tangents that take weeks to complete. The tangents are usually to do with family research, and following lines of ancestry are time-consuming and lead off on tangents of their own. I have set an end-of-2013 deadlne for completion of the first draft of my mom's biography. Now I need to get it done!  

The piece of writing that I am editing for Peter, is set in Wales, and is an earthy and fun story that he will,hopefully, publish for general reading. More about this oce the editing is complete.